Lubri-Stat Spray Booth

Lubri/Stat® Spray Booth System

Cost Effective | On-line Ultrasonic Spray Coating | Reduces Container Static, External Scuffing | Improved Bottle Handling

Features & Benefits

  • Stainless steel construction
  • Ultrasonic spray nozzle keeps spray material & air consumption to a minimum.
  • Unit incorporates CAS mist collector with independent filtration system to collect unused material.
  • Flow monitoring ensures optimum material application and minimal usage.
  • Optional system components include mobile support frame, neck finish conveyor, central mixing system,  extended length conveyor & in-line drives.
  • Separate angle & scuff testers available.
  • Compatible with CAS downstream handling, packing, palletizing & testing equipment.
  • Reduces static charge in pet containers from 1000+ volts to almost 0.
  • Dramatically reduces exterior bottle wall scuffing by a factor of 8x.
  • Minimizes dust & foreign material attraction.
  • Improves container handling and reduces filling-line blockages.
  • Enhances visual appeal of containers with less scuffing, dust accretion and dry product cling on internal surfaces.
  • All CAS equipment is covered by copyright design
  • Lubri/Stat® is a registered trademark of JCL Specialty Products, Inc.